The rules of submitting an article to the journal “Guram Tatishvili Bulletin of Georgia Surgery

  1. An article must be submitted as a hard copy, in two copies, in English and/or uploaded on the website of the journal, in a special form, see “Uploading an article”.

    2. Volume of a submitted article shall not be less than 7 pages and not more than 20 pages including tables, diagrams, illustrations, list of literature and summaries (in English).

    3. A printed (or electronic) version must be submitted on one side of a standard sheet (A4) by maintaining the margins of width of 2.5 cm on the left, 2-2 cm on the top and bottom and 1.5 cm on the right. Spacing between the rows is 1.5.

    4. An article shall be prepared in MS Word, used font shall be Sylfaen Unicode, size shall be 11.

    5. An article of a research nature shall include the following points: relevance of an issue, purpose of a research, research material and methods used, results obtained and their judgement.

    6. When describing a case: case general overview, case description itself, judgement and conclusions.

    7. When presenting the results of experimental studies, it is necessary to indicate and describe the type and quantity of experimental animals, type of analgesia.

    8. The volume of a resume shall be not less than 130 and not more than 250 words.

    9. A resume must be accompanied by: a title, authors’ first names and surnames, indication of a representative institution or institutions authors’ work in (in case of several authors, a reference to a number is required). Besides, the first name and surname of a responsible author, e-mail address.

    10. A resume shall include the following points (which will be marked out in text): purpose, material and methods, results and conclusions;

    11. An article shall be accompanied by keywords.

    12. An article illustration rules:

    o Tables shall be submitted in printed and electronic forms (and not in any image format – e.g., jpg, tiff, pdf). A table must be set up in MS Word or MS Excel format, can be inserted in the text or submitted as a separate file, in this case the file must be named: Table №; all digital, summed and percentage data must be consistent with the one given in the text. The table title shall be given in the language of the article.

    o Photos, images, drawings shall be submitted as a contrast file in jpg, tiff, pdf format, titled, numbered and indicated in the appropriate place in the text. Resolution quality not less than 200dpi.

    o Submit photocopies of radiographs with positive images in jpg, tiff, pdf format, titled, numbered and indicated in the appropriate place in the text. Resolution quality not less than 200dpi.

    o In the captions of the microphotographs, it is necessary to indicate the degree of magnification by means of an eyepiece or lens, the method of coloring or impregnation of slices and mark the upper and lower parts of the image.

    13. Authors shall be presented – by last name and first name fully.

    14. An article shall be enclosed with a bibliographic list of works used by the author (in depth of the last 5-8 years).

    o Bibliographic list shall be sorted alphabetically;

    o All sources must be given in English.

    o Authors are indicated in the source (surname, initials, year in parentheses, article title, journal title, journal №, year, first and last pages, DOI). Example:

    o Zimlitski, M., Zimlitski, G., Bregadze, G., & Loria, G. (2020). PRIMARY LEIOMYOSARCOMA OF THE BONE (CASE REPORT). Guram Tatishvili Bulletin of Georgia Surgery, 8 2020, Pages 61–65.

    o In case of a monography, indicate year of publication, place and total number of pages, also in English.

    o In text, in square brackets, an author’s corresponding № shall be given according to the literature list.

    15. The editorial office reserves the right to edit an article in accordance with the reviewers’ recommendations. A text is worked on and reconciled in accordance with the author’s original. The final version is provided to author(s) for confirmation.

    16. It is not allowed to submit an article to the editorial office that has been published in other editions.

    17. In case of violating these rules, articles will not be reviewed.

    Editorial team of “Guram Tatishvili Bulletin of Georgia Surgery”